Binary Search Tutorials Page 2

Find the floor of an element in a sorted array

Find the floor of an element in a sorted array

Algorithms1 mins read
Count the number of occurrences (frequency) of an element in a sorted array

Count the number of occurrences (frequency) of an element in a sorted array

Algorithms1 mins read
Find the First and Last Position of an Element in a Sorted Array

Find the First and Last Position of an Element in a Sorted Array

Algorithms1 mins read
Order-agnostic Binary Search

Order-agnostic Binary Search

Algorithms1 mins read
Search an Element in a Row-wise Column-wise sorted matrix

Search an Element in a Row-wise Column-wise sorted matrix

Algorithms1 mins read
Binary Search Implementation (Iterative and Recursive)

Binary Search Implementation (Iterative and Recursive)

Algorithms1 mins read
Search an element in a sorted 2d Matrix

Search an element in a sorted 2d Matrix

Algorithms1 mins read